Refund Policy
Block Rates are available and are subject to Tier-1’s refund policy. Refunds are available only on a case-by-case basis.

Our Policy
Tier-1 allows for a pro-rated refund if a student decides to terminate their training program with the amount refunded depending on how far into the program they are when they withdraw. The student has 30 days to notify the school for a refund to be considered; Tier-1 will deduct administrative fees from the refund amount and will make adjustments to reflect the “normal rate”. Tier-1 may have specific conditions for when a refund is not possible, like failing to meet academic standards or violating school policies; otherwise, the student will be afforded the opportunity to fly off their remaining balance. If your account is inactive for more than 90 days, all money will be forfeited and can not be refunded.